Privacy Policy

At TropicalBioSummit'24, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our participants. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect personal information provided by users during their interactions with the TropicalBioSummit'24 website.

Information Collection:

We may collect personal information, but not limited to names, email addresses, phone numbers, and institutional affiliations, voluntarily provided by users during registration, submission processes, or other interactions with the TropicalBioSummit'24 website.

Use of Information:

Personal information collected is utilized for conference-related purposes, including communication, registration, and organization. We may also use your contact details to send conference updates and relevant announcements. Your personal information will not be used for any commercial or non-conference-related purposes.

Data Security

TropicalBioSummit'24 employs industry-standard security measures on the website to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information. We regularly review and update our security protocols. We will retain your data only for as long as necessary for the purpose of the conference.

Refund Policy:

Please note that, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.

Third-Party Links

TropicalBioSummit'24 may contain links to third-party websites such as our social media sites. We do not control the practices of these sites and are not responsible for their privacy policies.

Data Access and Control

Users can request access to their personal information, seek corrections, or opt-out of communications by contacting us at

Intellectual Property Policy:

Copyright: Ownership of intellectual property rights for materials presented at the conference will remain with the authors or presenters.

Use of Materials: Participants may use conference materials for personal or non-commercial purposes only.

Attribution: Proper credit must be given to authors or presenters when using their materials outside the conference context.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

Authors are required to ensure that all submitted abstracts and research papers are original and properly attributed to sources. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Authors are urged to use proper citation and referencing methods to acknowledge sources. Submission will undergo plagiarism screening. Cases of plagiarism will be reported to the Review Committee and Chairs. By submitting work, authors agree to adhere to this policy. Breach may lead to disqualification and disciplinary action. We value your commitment to academic integrity and ethical research in biodiversity and sustainability.

Policy Updates

TropicalBioSummit'24 reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy. Users are encouraged to check this page periodically for any changes. By using the TropicalBioSummit'24 website, you consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.